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Tag: nutrients

cx hydroponics regenaroot

Nutrient Notes: CX Hydroponics Regenaroot

The above video is Mike Biggs, Agronomist at CX Hydroponics, explaining the benefits of Regenaroot. Plant roots are the foundation of a healthy plant and a high yield. Without a solid root system you will never maximize your plants’ potential. But of all the processes in your indoor grow room, the root systems are often the most overlooked because they’re not something you regularly see. Reasons such as this are why it’s crucial to use CX Hydroponics Regen-a-Root, a one-of-a-kind root stimulator and the best selling CX Hydroponics additive that has been on the market for 16 years.

CX Hydroponics Regen-a-rootRoot Care is Key…

A number of organisms can completely wreck your root system to the point where you don’t get a yield. Diseases like Pythium, Rhizoctonia and Phytophtora will feast on your plants root, changing the colors of your leaves as they begin to wilt. Even if your yield remains intact you might unknowingly have a subpar root system that will result in a mediocre yield. Regen-a-root is a root stimulator that will produce a root system that can easily support big yields in your indoor garden.

How Does Regenaroot Work?cx hydroponics regen-a-root

Regenaroot works by inducing the plant to produce its own hormones that will produce roots. It’s important to use Regenaroot through every stage in your indoor gardening grow because you’ll wind up with a massive root system that otherwise would have been impossible. Typically, during the bloom cycle, the plants stop growing roots. This slows the nutrient uptake and allows root disease to gain entry. If you use Regenaroot throughout the bloom cycle you’ll have plants that are healthy, vigorous and strong. While this will not guarantee a massive yield, you are guaranteed not to have a massive yield if you don’t treat your roots properly with Regenaroot.

History of Regenaroot

CX Hydroponics Regenaroot came on the market 16 years ago in response to problems growers were having in keeping their root systems healthy when plants were flowering. Developed by the CX Hydroponics Agronomist with 30 years of horticultural experience in production and consultation, it is the key to a healthy root system throughout your plants life cycle. It’s helped thousands of growers maintain healthy root systems on their plants. A healthy root system absorbs the maximum plant nutrients which allows for maximum growth. If you want to keep your roots growing and keep stop root disease from gaining entry, Regen-a-Root is the best value root stimulator on the market.

Regenaroot comes in 1 liter bottles, but it’s more cost efficient to purchase the 5 liter bottle for your indoor gardening needs. Regen-a-Root is non-biological, clean and a must have product for your indoor grow room.

Regenaroot is easily one of the best root stimulators we’ve ever used. We recommend using it as instructed, throughout the entire life of the plant to produce and maintain a healthy, disease-free root system.

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nutri plus nutrients the essentials

Nutri Plus Nutrients: The Essentials

Nutri-Plus Grow/Bloom: The most Concentrated Two-Part Hydroponic Plant Nutrient on the Market!

As an enthusiastic hydroponic gardener, it would be amazing if I could snap my fingers or wave a magic wand and create the most concentrated and well balanced plant nutrient program to feed my crops. This magic formula would contain the perfect balance of macro and micro nutrients; it would be rich in calcium and provide hundreds of essential minerals; all in a form that is super clean and pure – with RO water – in order to be easily absorbed by my plants. If this plant nutrient program could guarantee outstanding results at a minimum cost and was developed by a team of distinguished chemists and agronomists from Quebec, this formula would be known as Nutri-Plus.

Nutri-Plus is a Complete and Effective Hydroponic Plant Nutrition Program

Nutri-Plus is widely recognized as the most trusted hydroponic plant nutrient fertilizer in Eastern Canada for the past 20 years. This program includes a variety of unique and powerful foliar additives, the highest grade humic and fulvic acid available today and several super-charged bloom boosters in addition to the most concentrated, two-part, plant-specific recipe on the market. The team at Biofloral (North American distributors of Nutri-Plus) recommends using 4 ml per gallon of the Grow A and B and 8 ml per gallon of the Bloom A and B, but they caution that less is more and all new users should start with a lower dose until they get a feel for what Nutri-Plus can do for their plants. The base nutrients from Nutri-Plus are made from reverse osmosis water assuring a reliable and quality product. By respecting rigorous manufacturing standards, their fertilizers contain fewer contaminants than the competitive brands. It is a fertilizer without electroconductivity that is chlorine free. The formula used in Grow/Bloom by Nutri-Plus is rich in calcium and magnesium, which are necessary for the production of healthy roots, the enhancement of the immune system and the production of chlorophyll.

Start with Nutri-Plus Grow AB, Bloom AB, and Thrive


In addition to using the highly concentrated Nutri-Plus ABs as the foundation of your plant nutrient solution, the team of experts at Biofloral recommends use of 12 ml per gallon of Nutri-Plus Thrive (1-1-2) through all of grow and reduced dosages through early bloom. Thrive is an advanced plant nutrient with B1 vitamins and powerful high-quality seaweed extracts. This product is outstanding for reducing shock that is common in transplant of young cuttings from propagation to grow and it is essential in alleviating the plant stress that is inevitable in transition from grow to flower. The powerful seaweed extract in Thrive delivers a highly concentrated dose of rich deep-sea minerals, organic acids and hormones that work wonders on your crops. In conjunction with Nutri-Plus ABs complete and balanced formula, Thrive increases plant resistance to stress, stimulates root development and strengthens the plants immune system.

Nutri-Plus is as good as any nutrient line on the market. We’ve used it for a long time and love it. It’s been used by our friends in Eastern Canada for over 20 years. If you want a nutrient that’s been around for a while and kept a solid reputation for being effective and available at an affordable price, then the answer is Nutri-Plus. Big name brands equal big prices. Save your money and get big results using Nutri-Plus.

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bud plus header 2

Bud Plus is the Perfect Additive for Huge Yields!

In Eastern Canada and all over North America, knowledgeable and experienced growers are using Nutri Plus Bud Plus as a powerful hydroponic bloom booster to get the most out of their plants during flowering. Manufactured by Floracorp in Canada, Bud Plus is the primary mid-bloom additive in the Nutri Plus lineup of premium hydroponic plant nutrients and supplements.

Nutri Plus Bud Plus Powder Product LineBud Plus Powder and Bud Plus Liquid are easy to use to enhance your garden yield!

This unique mid-bloom enhancer for hydroponic gardening enables your plants to achieve extraordinary yields generated by specific chemical triggers in the flowering stage. For those who are have only a basic knowledge of how to stimulate maximum plant growth in bloom, understanding how Bud+ works can revolutionize your grow strategy and provide significant benefit to the bottom line yield of your indoor garden.

Modified Plant Light Cycles and Plant Nutrition Stimulate Bloom; Bud Plus Optimizes Flowering

In basic indoor gardening, most growers stimulate flowering in plants by changing their light cycles from 18 to a 12 hour schedule. It is also considered basic to modify the plant nutrient program and adjust the NPKs to a formula that supports blooming. New horticulture studies are pointing to the fact that specific chemical reactions are responsible for enabling plants to burst into full bloom; with an impressive 70% to 100% of plant nodes budding and flowering into full bloom. Bud Plus is all about consistently triggering these reactions and optimizing the yield of your indoor garden.

Bud Plus Delivers luxury Amounts of Phosphorus and Potassium to Stimulate Enhanced FloweringNutri Plus Bud Plus Liquid Product Line

According to numerous horticulture studies on hydroponic growing, overwhelmingly conclusive results point to the conclusion that elevated levels of potassium (in the form of: potassium carbonate, potassium sulfate, and potassium phosphate) and phosphorus contribute to enhanced yields when strategically delivered in the early and mid-stages of flowering. By adding a generous serving of 12 ml per gallon of liquid Bud Plus to your plant nutrient solution (throughout 4 weeks of mid-bloom), elevated levels of potassium and phosphorus are made available to your plants. In turn your plants will pack on weight and explode into full bloom with an abundance of thick, clustered buds and blooms that translate into record breaking yields.

Nutri Plus Bud Plus also delivers Magnesium and Amino Acids

Bud Plus contains 7% magnesium, which facilitates the synthesis of amino acids and cell proteins. It is also contains 10% amino acids, which facilitates the assimilation and the migration of phosphorus in the plant, provides a higher content of vitamins A and C, and increase a plants disease and stress resistance to drought or fungal diseases.

Blossom Plus, Bud Plus and Final Drive Yield Extraordinary Results in Flowering

Final Drive Product LineUnsophisticated growers can usually produce an average harvest with reasonable sugar and resin levels by using a basic plant nutrient for vegetative growth and bloom. By working with a complete and well-balanced plant nutrient program like Nutri Plus Grow and Bloom, and then adding premium (potassium and phosphorus rich) bloom boosters like Blossom Plus (for early bloom), Bud Plus (for mid-bloom) and Final Drive (for the perfect finish), a disciplined grower can achieve yields that exceed all expectations.
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back to basics hydroponics

Back to Basics: Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening

So what does hydroponics mean anyway? Does hydroponic gardening imply more water consumption than traditional gardening? Is hydroponics only for the purpose of growing controversial crops? These and many other questions arise when uninformed people first consider the idea of indoor gardening and hydroponics.
In simple terms, hydroponics is the growing of plants in a rich, mineral nutrient solution with water and no soil.

hydroponicsHydroponic gardening is a method of growing plants without soil. It is traditionally practiced indoors or in a greenhouse, but many commercial growers are learning to incorporate hydroponic practices in their outdoor crops because of huge gains in reduced water consumption and enhanced control of nutrient delivery. There was a time when we believed that soil was essential for plant growth – today we know that plants do not need soil at all; what they need is the mineral nutrients, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and beneficial bacteria for plants that exist in healthy top soil (the rhizosphere).

Benefits to Hydroponic Gardening

Hydroponics has many benefits. The first benefit is that while you only use water to grow plants, you still use way less than traditional soil gardening. Hydroponics uses about 10% of the amount of water that would be required for growing in soil. The only water loss in a hydroponics system is from evaporation and occasional changes to your nutrient solution mix. The second benefit is that because you’re delivering precise amounts of nutrients in an efficient way, less fertilizer is required. When you garden in soil, you can lose nutrients to settling or crystallizing in the soil. This does not happen in hydroponics. A third benefit is hydroponics requires less space to grow…up to 50% less land to grow the same amount of food compared to traditional gardening. Imagine 50% of the land used to farm right now being designated as wildlife preserves or natural areas…sounds pretty great! A fourth benefit is reduced fossil fuel consumption because food often travels from far away places to get to cities and ecosystems where food growth is not easy or prevalent. Hydroponics would allow you to have warehouse full of fresh food in the heart of a city center for residents to enjoy. Finally, another great benefit of hydroponics is reduced pesticide use. Is organic hydroponics a thing? Not all of Hydroponics is organic, but since you control the environmental inputs, you never need to use toxic pesticides while growing your plants. It’s an extremely healthy way to grow your food.

traditional farmingIndoor Gardening and Hydroponics requires attention to all the elements of a plant growth environment

Apart from mineral and organic plant nutrients, healthy plants require optimal amounts of water, oxygen, CO2 and abundant light (in the right wavelength and intensity). While working without soil, successful indoor gardening operators have learned to deliver a balance of all these elements while closely controlling the PH and conductivity of the nutrient solution as well as the temperature and relative humidity (RH) of the grow room or greenhouse. They have learned to optimize all the grow elements while reducing garden pests in grow operations. The reward has been spectacular – up to six harvests per year with crop yields that dwarf traditional gardening practices in both size and quality.

Types of Hydroponic Systems for Indoor Gardening

Hydroponic gardening opened the door to a new era of growing. Indoor gardening thrived because of enhanced control of the elements and supercharged nutrient solutions – specially formulated for every stage of a plants growth and flowering. In traditional ebb & flow systems, hydroponic growers deliver precise amounts of nutrient solution while exercising almost complete control of oxygen levels in the grow medium. Other hydroponic systems, such as NFT (Nutrient Film Technique), DWC (deep water culture) and even aeroponics also supply the benefit of enhanced growth element management while maximizing yields in a record-breaking time.

Methods of hydroponics vary depending on whether the plant roots are embedded in a solid inert grow medium (such as expanded clay, rock wool, coco peat, perlite, etc. – medium culture) or just openly exposed to regular doses of nutrient solution and oxygen (solution culture). Methods of medium culture may vary by way of top irrigation and sub-irrigation systems, while approaches include continuous-flow solution culture, static solution culture and aeroponics.

Hydroponic Gardening Systems Offer complete Control of all the Element in the Growing Environmentbluelab

Without getting into the specifics of all these methods, it is important to note that the only clear disadvantage to growing in hydroponics is the absence of the buffering effect that soil supplies in a garden. In hydroponics, plants can outperform any conventional gardening system, but they are completely dependent on growers to supply the right amount of nutrients at precise intervals and with the appropriate PH and conductivity levels. These systems are extremely unforgiving; any failure can lead to rapid death. On the other hand, growers who are attentive to their plants and hydroponic systems – diligent about checking their PH and PPMs and obsessed with maintaining optimal plant lighting, ventilation, nutrient levels and pest control – will benefit from harvests that go way beyond any expectations.

So what are you waiting for? Get growing!

Thanks for reading!

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grow room tips

Best Hydroponic Grow Room Tips for Increasing Yield

Hydroponic growers know that to produce a bigger yield it is important to make sure plant nutrients and health are well taken into consideration. Producing bigger and better quality crops with shorter harvesting cycles can be challenging, but, with the best hydroponic tips at your disposal, any grower can achieve increased yields for improved harvests. Hopefully these grow room tips helps you become a better grower or if you already know all this stuff, it helps reinforce that you’re doing things the right way!

Hydroponic Gardening Tips #1
Keep A Growers Journal

To improve your chances of successful crop, it can be beneficial to write in a grower’s journal. When you apply changes or try new plant nutrients to a weak or unhealthy crop it is important to record the results to make sure they are not re-used if unsuccessful. This journal can also be used to track any changes of watering, nutrients, lights, pH levels, and plant health on a day to day basis. Using this as a guide, a grower may be able to pin-point certain methods that may increase plant health and in-corporate these into their hydroponic gardening system.

Stealth-RO100 Reverse Osmosis Filter - 100 GPDHydroponic Gardening Tips #2
Keeping Water Levels in Check

Water is another deciding factor when it comes to plant growth. Water is needed to help the plants grow, although if too much water is used a plant’s root system may become susceptible to rotting – causing plant death. To ensure the right amount of water is used, a grower may need to check the plant after watering. A plant that becomes more vibrant in the leaves may require additional watering, while a plant that wilts soon after would require less watering. Plants that are over watered in hydroponic gardening systems tend to not respond as well as others when additional plant nutrients and plant stimulants are given. The healthiest water to give a plant is Reverse Osmosis (RO) water. RO water allows your plants to take in nutrients more efficiently when compared to tap or filtered water.

Hydroponic Gardening Tips #3scissors
Use Your Pruning Shears

To help growers successfully produce a bigger yield it can also be important to prune your plants. Plants that have leaves or stems that are rotting, withered, or useless, tend to use more energy and plant nutrients to try and increase growth to these areas. This wasted energy can cause a decrease in plant health overall, thus causing slow growth. Pruning additional leaves and stems that are dead, weak, or rotting can help to increase and promote healthy growth, resulting in an increase in crop yields.

Nutri-Plus Grow Product LineHydroponic Gardening Tips #4
Choose the Right Plant Nutrient Program for Hydroponic Gardening

Another hydroponic gardening tip that can help to produce a bigger yield is choosing the right plant nutrients. Conventional garden fertilizer may not include the proper ratio for hydroponic setups. Purchasing a plant nutrient program that is optimized for hydroponic growing can dramatically increase your chances of a bigger yield. These fertilizers can usually be purchased from a reputable hydroponic retailer, and are important to help promote plant growth. Maintaining the correct nutrient strength (EC or PPMs), the correct pH and the correct temperature (65 to 75 degrees) and humidity levels are equally critical in making the most of your high quality hydroponic plant nutrient. It is highly recommended to get a trusted and reliable controller set to monitor all of these variables in your hydroponic grow room.

Hydroponic Gardening Tips #6Grozone LP10 CO2 Generator
Use CO2 Generators Carefully

CO2 generators are amazing tools for boosting plant growth, but, when used by inexperienced growers, the dangers are very real. If in-correctly used crop death and severe fires or explosions can set-back your garden and your own safety as well as the structure of the house. The condition of your hydroponic system could be the least of your worries! When a CO2 generator is in use, it is recommended that a grower should increase plant nutrients and light within the system. Measuring the conditions within your hydroponic system is also advisable. Plants exposed to CO2 levels can usually handle up to 1500 parts per million if conditions are optimized. Before using these generators, it is important to know the risks involved, and have a vast understanding of how they work to minimize plant damage.

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